

Sunday, December 11, 2011

♥ Novel ♥

I just finished this Novel- The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks.
He is such a great author. I nearly cried in the END!
Love it. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Inside your heaven.

That's the first time a clicked a picture up too close.
I think it time for experiments.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A proper Good-Bye

As I was cleaning his room today. I found a letter cleanly wrapped in an envelope. I thought I should open it but I have been always taught to mind my own business. Suddenly an evil thought covered my whole mind and the kindness was gone in a flick. First I read who was it for and who wrote it. It was for me and my husband from ‘The bestest son anybody could ever have’ our son. I slowly opened to envelope trying not to tear it. It read like this:-

Dear Mamma and Dada
               I just wanted to say that you are the best parents in this beautiful magical world. You always took care of me. Gave me what I wanted. And you always knew what is in my mind, when I’m hungry, when I’m sad and all the things that care.  I just wanted to wish you a very very happy anniversary. I’m really happy for both of you. It’s been a whole 15 year of joy for me and others.
              I feel a little sick so I’m gonna stop writing and go to sleep. I don’t know if I would be able to give you this letter but as you both always said ‘Things automatically comes to their owner’ and I know you’ll get it if it’s in the fate.
           I want you to know that I always loved you and always will. It’s a pleasure to be called yours.

Your kiddo

As I finished the letter I didn’t knew how to respond. I could feel a lump developing in my throat. I called my husband and asked him to read it too. He was a strong man but I could see tears in his eyes. It’s the second time I saw him cry.
    It has been 2 years since our kiddo died due to brain cancer. The doctors said their no cure for this. He was just 12. He died in his sleep; they said that he had a peaceful death. But ask us how painful it was that we never even got to say Good-bye.
I cried for my son till my eyes became numb. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rain drops!

Loved the rain that day.. especially on the plants and then this kinda butterfly came along. Great!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sports week!!

I'm really excited for the sports week that will be organised in our school. Its gonna be a whole week of sports like Basket ball, football, handball etc etc. I've taken part in Basketball and handball (football was for seniors only :(.). Really want to show a good performance there.. cuz i haven't played good for some time.. (i guess :P). Its a Inter-House competition.. I'm in Bhagat. (blue).. and really want us to win. Im selected in the team :D.. YAY!! the main 5 of basketball.. n main 7 of handball... really want to do good...
Excited and scared too.. :)..

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Very nice branches... great that i clicked it.. :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Its was raining and the environment was looking awesome.. :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Little blurt but good..


Outside my house... 
well there a lot of things outside my house... because we have planted lots of plants..
i really love nature and all the single things about it.. :)
I'm a fool for nature.. :P

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Its when i went to Jhodhpur (Rajasthan). It is a very beautiful place. I think i like the post were the places. i visited a Mahal there, it was exceptional. Its known as the BLUE CITY, my favorite colour. ;) 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011