

Monday, October 17, 2011

A proper Good-Bye

As I was cleaning his room today. I found a letter cleanly wrapped in an envelope. I thought I should open it but I have been always taught to mind my own business. Suddenly an evil thought covered my whole mind and the kindness was gone in a flick. First I read who was it for and who wrote it. It was for me and my husband from ‘The bestest son anybody could ever have’ our son. I slowly opened to envelope trying not to tear it. It read like this:-

Dear Mamma and Dada
               I just wanted to say that you are the best parents in this beautiful magical world. You always took care of me. Gave me what I wanted. And you always knew what is in my mind, when I’m hungry, when I’m sad and all the things that care.  I just wanted to wish you a very very happy anniversary. I’m really happy for both of you. It’s been a whole 15 year of joy for me and others.
              I feel a little sick so I’m gonna stop writing and go to sleep. I don’t know if I would be able to give you this letter but as you both always said ‘Things automatically comes to their owner’ and I know you’ll get it if it’s in the fate.
           I want you to know that I always loved you and always will. It’s a pleasure to be called yours.

Your kiddo

As I finished the letter I didn’t knew how to respond. I could feel a lump developing in my throat. I called my husband and asked him to read it too. He was a strong man but I could see tears in his eyes. It’s the second time I saw him cry.
    It has been 2 years since our kiddo died due to brain cancer. The doctors said their no cure for this. He was just 12. He died in his sleep; they said that he had a peaceful death. But ask us how painful it was that we never even got to say Good-bye.
I cried for my son till my eyes became numb. 


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